Monday, September 5, 2011

What's My Motivation?

Ah...the old acting cliche: "What's my motivation?"

It rings true in so many facets in life. And it is especially important for weight loss.

What is my motivation? This is kind of like opening up a deep dark secret. A glimpse into my diary. The inner workings of my brain. What am I really thinking? Okay, okay - I'll tell you. I have two reasons. The first is kind of weird, I'll admit. My first is that I didn't want to die being fat. I woke up and realized if I were to die today, this is the body I would be remembered in. I would be buried in a size 12/14, and at 5'1", that is not cute. Makes no sense, and I didn't claim it would! Second (and perhaps a more "sane" reason) is that in every picture I took with my kids, I hated the way I looked. I didn't want to look back at the pictures I took with these precious boys and hate how I looked in them. That wasn't fair to me and it wasn't fair to them. Well, guess what. If I died today, I would be buried in a size 4 dress (which Nick would have to go out a purchase because I don't own any dresses that fit) and I love how my body looks in every picture I take now. So, now what's my motivation? I have 6.2 lbs to go. These last 15 lbs are TAKING FOREVER!!!!! I feel like I am losing motivation because my goals have been accomplished. All of them, except being 125 lbs. A goal I set when I was 140 lbs. And then, I came across this quote:

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing...that's why we recommend it daily." -Zig Ziglar

My motivation is to prove the people in my life who don't think I can accomplish this goal wrong. I can only think of one, and I don't even know if they know who they are, but I know they have doubts. I will prove this person wrong. If you think this is stubborn, you are correct, and I can be really stubborn at times :). I know there are many who KNOW I will accomplish this goal - and will cheer me on the whole way! Thanks to Nick, Karla, Joanne, Kerry, and my mom - just to name a few.

1 comment:

  1. Rock it girl!! You are doing a great job! I need to get my butt motivated and get back to weight watchers course I don't know what my goal will be. Keep up the awesome! work. Cant wait to read more about your weight loss journey. :)
