Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dean Karnazes

Holy crap. Dean Karnazes. I have heard his name and knew he ran; I assumed marathons. HA! He laughs at marathons. A little background on this man. He runs something called an ultramarathon. The definition of an ultramarathon, as I understand it, is anything greater than the marathon distance of 26.2 miles. He runs 155 miles through Death Valley in the middle of the summer. HUH? People can do that without DYING? Wait, don't people die running marathons? You run 155 miles? Without sleeping? All at once? And you eat while you are running? I guess people die sleeping too, but you know what I mean!!! Crazy. Why I even mention him is that he is amazingly motivational. I just started reading the book today and I wanted to put on my running shoes and run to Omaha. Who am I kidding?!?! I wouldn't make it out of the Lincoln City Limits! I do know that the Mopac Trail would take me there, if I wanted. His writing style is awesome, and I love that he dictated most of the book while *shocker* running.

I will be running my first race on Saturday! It is a 5k. I know I can run this distance because I have run further than this pushing a double running stroller and controlling a dog. Yazhi is a great dog, though.

My running crew :) Kyle, Jacob, and Yazhi!

My goal for the race is to finish in under 32 minutes. I have only timed myself once, so we shall see! I will try and channel Dean Karnazes and pick up my pace! And be thankful I am only running 3.1 miles, not 155 through the hottest, driest place on Earth, or 350 miles through the Australian Outback MOUNTAINS, while eating my dinner and running.

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