Saturday, September 24, 2011

My first 5k

Every race has a story. And this one is no different! First, I was surprised to see that there were only about 50 people running. There were a few families who were running it together, which was nice. I then got it in my head that NONE of these 8-10 year olds could beat me. Push that into the back of my mind. Who cares about the kids. I heard a quote this week: "The path to true happiness is ignorance of what other people think." For those of you who don't know me well, I try to not care what other people think. I don't wear make-up, my clothes aren't fashionable, my hair is usually a disaster :). So, I tell myself to stop caring about the kids beating me. The guy giving us pre-race instructions said: "I will say ready, set and then shoot the gun. If the gun doesn't go off...go anyway!" He had nothing to worry about, the gun went off just fine.

I started towards the back of the pack because there was no reason for me to be anywhere else. People started running really fast. I refused to go that fast. What were they doing? Ummm, people, we have like 2.9 miles to go. Then I realize that we are running downhill. Jennifer Harris gave me a tip of how to run downhill, I make my adjustment and try to let my legs carry me downhill, just like she said. Done, check, thanks JH! But I don't let myself go zooming like these crazy people. The course is a loop, so I know if this is all downhill; we have to go uphill eventually.

We round a corner and head onto a gravel path and my music cuts out. I smile because this has happened both times I ran by myself, so I was prepared with what I was going to do. NOTHING. Just run.

The woman I am using as a pacer starts walking. What?!? You are going to walk during a 5k? I pass her. I pass a few other people who are running with their kids. They would then sprint in front of me and walk again. I remember being that age :) I come up on two people running together, one is obviously a "real" runner, the other is her friend, who must have recently taken up running (What the hell makes me qualified to assess this? Who knows. Well, she wasn't the most fit person I have ever come across), well anyway, they start walking. I hear the one friend say to the other: "We are okay, still on 9:30 pace." WHAT? 9:30?!? Really? Now I think I am running too fast. But I feel great, so I just keep going. I never see them again. Now begins me running by myself. All uphill. I refuse to let myself slow. I pass the water station without taking any water. Am I supposed to carry the cup with me for the rest of the race? I looked ahead and there were no water cups on the ground. I can make it to the end without water. I don't even think I am sweating yet...

The 2 mile marker comes with a nice surprise - Nick, Jake, and Kyle cheering me on! Here is the picture Nick took of me!
I think about tossing Nick my iPod, but it isn't worth the effort. Just leave it.

I then spot the next people I am going to pass! A 9-10 year old girl and her older, teenage sister. They make it easy because they start walking. Please note, this is still all uphill. The entire back side of this race was uphill. I was not expecting hills! This is Nebraska! FLAT Farmland! Apparently, Fallbrook was built on hills. That's okay! I think about Dean Karnazes describing the mountain ranges he crossed during his 350 mile run across the Australian Outback. Or his friend Topher describing the mountain climbs during his first 100-mile race through Colorado. They ran up and down mountains. One foot in front of the other. I can run uphill for one mile. Basically, my answer for anything running related now is that Karno does things much harder and for much longer. Like running on a treadmill for 48 hours? OFF TOPIC! Back to my 5k!

I know the finish is approaching because we are looping back around the YMCA. I pick up my pace, but have no plans on sprinting to the finish. I do not want to fall flat on my face, which I fear might happen. So, I pick up my pace, try to catch the group in front of me, but they are too far ahead. I finish at 31:02. My goal was to finish in under 32 minutes. Mission accomplished! WOHOO! Here I am at the finish:

I am starting to really love running. I am going to sign up for another 5k on October 16. I haven't done it yet because Nick and I will have to have another budget meeting, since the budget has already been approved. Yes, we have a monthly budget, and yes, we have meetings and they get approved. And yes, you should too!!! There is a 15k the same day and I am really tempted to try it, but I don't want to burn myself out. I will stick to the 5k for now. But the half marathon is in my future - May 6! I need to set my goal for the next 5k. Speaking of goal setting. My Weight Watchers goal weight is 125 lbs. I am 131 lbs. I gained 0.4 lbs this week. I was so excited about the race, I really didn't care. My goal is to hit goal weight by October 15. That means losing these last 6 lbs in 3 weeks. Geeze. I believe I can do it. I need the money from Weight Watchers for all of these race entry fees!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dean Karnazes

Holy crap. Dean Karnazes. I have heard his name and knew he ran; I assumed marathons. HA! He laughs at marathons. A little background on this man. He runs something called an ultramarathon. The definition of an ultramarathon, as I understand it, is anything greater than the marathon distance of 26.2 miles. He runs 155 miles through Death Valley in the middle of the summer. HUH? People can do that without DYING? Wait, don't people die running marathons? You run 155 miles? Without sleeping? All at once? And you eat while you are running? I guess people die sleeping too, but you know what I mean!!! Crazy. Why I even mention him is that he is amazingly motivational. I just started reading the book today and I wanted to put on my running shoes and run to Omaha. Who am I kidding?!?! I wouldn't make it out of the Lincoln City Limits! I do know that the Mopac Trail would take me there, if I wanted. His writing style is awesome, and I love that he dictated most of the book while *shocker* running.

I will be running my first race on Saturday! It is a 5k. I know I can run this distance because I have run further than this pushing a double running stroller and controlling a dog. Yazhi is a great dog, though.

My running crew :) Kyle, Jacob, and Yazhi!

My goal for the race is to finish in under 32 minutes. I have only timed myself once, so we shall see! I will try and channel Dean Karnazes and pick up my pace! And be thankful I am only running 3.1 miles, not 155 through the hottest, driest place on Earth, or 350 miles through the Australian Outback MOUNTAINS, while eating my dinner and running.

Monday, September 5, 2011

What's My Motivation?

Ah...the old acting cliche: "What's my motivation?"

It rings true in so many facets in life. And it is especially important for weight loss.

What is my motivation? This is kind of like opening up a deep dark secret. A glimpse into my diary. The inner workings of my brain. What am I really thinking? Okay, okay - I'll tell you. I have two reasons. The first is kind of weird, I'll admit. My first is that I didn't want to die being fat. I woke up and realized if I were to die today, this is the body I would be remembered in. I would be buried in a size 12/14, and at 5'1", that is not cute. Makes no sense, and I didn't claim it would! Second (and perhaps a more "sane" reason) is that in every picture I took with my kids, I hated the way I looked. I didn't want to look back at the pictures I took with these precious boys and hate how I looked in them. That wasn't fair to me and it wasn't fair to them. Well, guess what. If I died today, I would be buried in a size 4 dress (which Nick would have to go out a purchase because I don't own any dresses that fit) and I love how my body looks in every picture I take now. So, now what's my motivation? I have 6.2 lbs to go. These last 15 lbs are TAKING FOREVER!!!!! I feel like I am losing motivation because my goals have been accomplished. All of them, except being 125 lbs. A goal I set when I was 140 lbs. And then, I came across this quote:

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing...that's why we recommend it daily." -Zig Ziglar

My motivation is to prove the people in my life who don't think I can accomplish this goal wrong. I can only think of one, and I don't even know if they know who they are, but I know they have doubts. I will prove this person wrong. If you think this is stubborn, you are correct, and I can be really stubborn at times :). I know there are many who KNOW I will accomplish this goal - and will cheer me on the whole way! Thanks to Nick, Karla, Joanne, Kerry, and my mom - just to name a few.