Wednesday, March 23, 2011

No for now, not forever

As many of you know, I am currently on a weight loss journey. As some of you may not know, Nick and I are on a journey of dumping debt as well. Never did I think weight loss and dumping debt were similar, but as I do both at the same time, I realize - they are.

Let me get the bragging out of the way. I know what you are thinking "Megan - bragging? That is so not like you." You can pick your jaw up off of the floor now. I began my weight loss journey on October 15, 2010, 10 days after Kyle was born, at 193.6 lbs. I am only 5"1' - that is fat. As of today, March 23, 2011, I am 151.8 lbs. No need to take out your calculator - it is 41.8 lbs lost in 23 weeks. On May 20, 2010, Nick and I made the decision to change our lives forever. We began our "Total Money Makeover." Since that date, we have paid off $38,737.10 in debt!

How have we accomplished these amazing results thus far? By telling ourselves NO. Let me say it again. NO. We can do this because we can see our future and it looks brighter. It is only no for now, not no forever. I can eat pizza, just not every day - and not the whole thing. I can buy new clothes, just not every day - and not without it being in the budget.

My weight loss secret? No secret, no magic pill - two words - Weight Watchers. Worth every penny. I know I need the support, recognition, and tools that Weight Watchers gives me. And a fantastic support system. Your spouse must be on board (with the Total Money Makeover too!) and the more friends to help the better! I am very blessed in both cases.

My debt dumping secret? DAVE RAMSEY. RUN to the library or bookstore and pick up his book "The Total Money Makeover." It will change your life forever. Seriously. It will change how you view money and debt FOREVER.

My life is better because of these changes. Positive changes. And I intend to tell everyone who will listen how they can do it too!!!